Search by original number/reference number - dear child has many names

Gustaf Karlsson

Finding spare parts can be very complicated. On every machine, when you look in the parts catalog, there are thousands of parts, with long numbers and it can feel like a jungle to find the right one.

Search for the number you have

We at Kespa have put a lot of time into making sure you can choose the model you have and then be able to choose the design. But sometimes you have an existing filter and want a new equivalent. Therefore, you can search not only on our article numbers, but on original numbers, but also numbers from other filter manufacturers. We call all of these reference numbers.

Different numbers same filter?

Different filter manufacturers have different numbering on their filters, in the same way that different tractor manufacturers have their own number series. This is partly to create a stringency in the naming, but one can suspect that it is also to make it a little trickier to find alternatives...

As a tractor or machine is manufactured and the population becomes larger, the real experts, i.e. the high-quality filter manufacturers such as Mann, Fleetguard, Donaldson, HIFI and others, begin to offer alternatives to the tractor-branded filter. In many cases, it is one of these that also manufactures the "original filter" but under a different name.

The quality between different options can vary, but for these well-known manufacturers you can be sure of the quality. It is not certain that the filter is exactly the same as the "original" in appearance or design due to different name or design protections, therefore we must state that "Reference numbers are displayed with the aim of making it easier for you to find parts with the right fit for your machine". However, you can feel safe in the fact that we only have references where the various filter experts themselves say that their filter corresponds to a brand name filter.

We show a number of reference numbers on the article page for you to feel safe, but have even more in the background.

Search like this!

Type a reference number for which you want to find an affordable alternative in the search box on the home page, or in the upper right corner. In the image below, we are searching for F934201060010. Immediately under "Products" we get a filter that matches the description.

Products that we can stand for

We take great pride in the fact that the products we sell really fit and work for you. It should be safe to shop with us, and therefore we only choose products from suppliers known for their high and consistent quality.